Friday, October 23, 2009

Soon to be 'November Iris..

Pretty soon, we'll have to rename our October Iris to November iris. It has been thru a couple of frosts this week and is still shooting out new buds...
I'm still puzzled at how an iris knows to bloom this time of year? Have there always been a group of Iris that would bloom out in the fall, or is it global warming ? :)

little Virgil


  1. Hello Tonya! Beautiful picture of Virgil with the lush green grass and the golden fall leaves shining in the sun! Is the #6 wire to your breaker copper or aluminum?

  2. Hey Jewels! Hope all is well your way :) The wire.. hm, good question. I'll have to find that out and get back.. I'm thinking that it's aluminum, with it being that size, but not positive. Do you think it's possible that the alum isn't packing the volts to the kiln? I'll find out for sure what it is and leave another comment here. Thanks! tonya

  3. That's the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Who knew Iris would bloom in October?!

  4. Brandy and I are doing great, thanks. : ) When I was wiring my shop, I was told that aluminum carries less amps than copper does (if I remember correctly a #6 copper wire pulls 80 amps versus 40 amps aluminum). The instruction manual for my Cress kiln mentions that if the wire from the breaker to the kiln is too long (though it doesn’t say how long is too long…I am guessing anything more than 12 feet) the kiln will operate poorly. I hope you are able to figure out what is causing your slow firings – let us know. Have a great day!

  5. Hey Jewels, I checked the wiring yesterday, and it is copper (#6) Also, it's only about 3 to 4 feet from the breaker box.. so, I think next, I will try a different firing schedule to see if maybe i wasn't just turning things up a little too slow. Thanks for the troubleshoting tips! Hope all is well your way. Tonya

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