Monday, December 10, 2012
ornament winner
By using, the winning comment number was - 1. Sharrie!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Pottery Ornament Give
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Ornament Give
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Another "'Make Do"
I like old, rustic things that look like they have been used and then stored in a barn for years. This shepherd's crook does not fit that description, but I have misplaced my wooden crook and I have been reminded how crazy it is to catch sheep (Even in the barn in a pen) without a crook.
I put this together as a temporary until my other shows up (made from 3/4"pvc pipe and fittings) however, it works suprisingly well! The crook needs to be wider for the big rams, but it catches the ewes and lambs and seems to hold them better than the one I lost. It doesn't have much character, but has found a place in our barn (until I lose it)
Friday, October 19, 2012
Sheep Watching
Of course, he couldn't be happier with having use of Daddy's 'ni-nocke-tars. (binoculars)
Now where are those sheep?
I have about 20 left to shear, so I'm past the halfway point anyways, but hope to finish up within the next week. (so much for that goal of being finished BY October!)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Meet Josiah all grown up. Well.. not really "all" grown up, but his fall lamb picture.
He is sure a ram that likes to have his picture taken (much like his older brother LeRoy) I took probably 20 pictures of him and he seemed to be posing for all of them.
Reminds me of a picture I took of Lambie a few years ago...(up in the right hand corner of the blog page) they seem to say, "wait, let me stand here by this tree, how's that?"
He will be one of the rams we use this fall for breeding.
LeRoy seems to be saying "it's about that time"
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Oh Sheep!
This time of year I'm pushing it to get things together for the Ky Wool Festival (coming up next weekend) and I sometimes have a post of what new things I'll be bringing to the festival.
Not this post.
This is a "what I won't be bringing" kind of post.
I was finishing up shearing a few sheep tonight when Jack called me saying "I hope these pots here aren't the pots you were working on for the festival!" I knew right away what he was talking about. We have 2 lambs that I will turn loose in the morning and let them graze in the yard. They don't cause problems (outside of today), and they stay in the yard. Today however, I sat these pots out in the shade because the pottery room had been so humid the pots weren't drying. At the time, the two lambs were relaxing under the porch, so I didn't give this a lot of thought. So much for not thinking!
oh was better than I anticipated. Jack told me on the phone that EVERY pot was broken. (There were a lot of pots there, so 5 broken pots was a best case scenerio).
I have been needing some mugs for the house so it will be a good opportunity to pull out that old "pottery repair" recipe and see if it still works and do some testing to see if the repairs hold up. (And if it doesn't work, maybe I can treat myself to a new mug that is intact?)
As far as the sheep go, it doesn't look like they ate any of the clay, but I am watching to be sure they don't have "pot" bellies!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
While we made these as a self awareness project for his "All About Me" book, they went along really well with his bible verse last week -
"I praise you, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made"
-Psalm 139:14
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Preschool Art

Some of these you can probably guess what they are, but I will post the full pictures in the next post.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Professional Mowers
Fresh weeds!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Feeling like Spring around here
Roxy (from the last post) had her lamb 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately, it appears she needed assistance as the lamb didn't make it. I had been trying to keep a close eye on her, but when I went out to check on her (2:30am with a flashlight) she had just had the lamb. I feel bad that I wasn't there to help her, but very thankful that she is ok.
Hiccup (one of our meat breed crosses) had her little lamb last Thursday.
Cute as a speckled lamb!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Still.... still waiting on lambs

And his sister:
What a sweet little face
This lil guy is Murphy, and he's from our moorit ewe Sierra. This is her first lamb and he has such a beautiful fleece of brown/gray and black.
This is one of DiDi's ram lambs. He is one of a set of twin ram lambs.
Delilah's gray/black ewe lamb
(Deloris in the foreground) but one of our 3 gray moorit rams from this year in the background:
And the lovely Mr B.
Just a few of the 2012 lamb crop. The heat is brutal here, but fortunately they seem to be handling it well. Our pastures are terribly dry, but if we can make it to Sunday - hopefully we will get some much needed rain iand cooler temps!