a journal of thoughts, photos, and projects from a simple way of life
I put up a temporary fence today in the yard for the sheep to mow. (we live in a barn, so it only makes sense for the sheep to mow the yard, right?) Actually, I feel guilty mowing with the sheep watching.. so sometimes I just let them do it :)
Moose - the black ewe in the far right - i don't show she's due until May, but she is sure showing! I might have to go back and recalculate those dates.
Ended the day with a brush fire... trying to clean up the new pastures so they'll be ready when we can get to fencing! (i had just started using the video function on my camera a few days before it broke.. so going to try to get more use out of this function on the new camera!) I took this video for the background noise.. I have missed those frogs !
It turned out to be a great sick day.