Friday, December 16, 2011

"Make Do" Niddy Noddy

For the longest time, I've been meaning to pick up, or order a niddy noddy. I have just been spinning for personal use, so my hand to elbow has been a substitute for the n.n. We had a few pieces of wood down in the shop that was left over from ripping down some boards and I thought it was worth a try.. scrap wood and 2 screws, what was there to lose? I cut the 2 ends to the same length and left the center piece as it was. If I was to be technical, I would have measured it to a length that would work out easy to calculate the yardage by the wraps, but ...ok, i didn't.

I'm just wondering now why I wrapped yarn hand to elbow all this time? The n.n. would be more comfortable if I rounded the edges in the center, but until I find that niddy noddy that I just can't live without, this one will do!

It certainly helped to make a nicer looking skein than my arm winding did!


  1. What an awesome idea! I have a very small niddy noddy and it doesn't hold very much of my clumsy, bulky yarns. Off to check the wood scrape pile!

  2. Beautiful skein of yarn and a pretty darn good "making do" niddy noddy. Good job!

  3. Hey Marie,
    If you can't find anything in the wood scrap pile, I'd think a few nice sized round branches would work really well (probably better than my square edges) just whittle the bark off where the yarn will be wrapped and maybe sand that area.. if it's sappy, I'd let it dry though and put a little sealer on it when it did. Would make for a nice rustic -pioneer noddy, well, maybe more vintage than that.. may be one like the Indians

  4. Excellent! Love the Indians comment too :-D.
