I haven't posted in a week, so here's a quick update of the week. The above picture is how the week ended. Weather has been very mild the last few days.

But that is after what seems like 2 weeks of freezing temperatures! I'm not sure if it got above freezing the first 2 weeks of January.

Mid week the snow was beginning to melt.

The sheep have been getting out this past week into the new pasture (the pasture with burrs.. ) This pic was just taken while looking for them. hm, no, they're not here.

He's doesn't know where they're at. He's actually sleeping. I don't know how long he was sleeping like this, but i had time to go and get my camera before he woke up.

"I wasn't sleeping! Sheep?? What do you mean they're missing?"
(little disclaimer for him, he's here to protect them when they're in the field with him, he's not going after them!) And, in his defense, these pics were taken a few days after the sheep first got out, yet they were out again. I'm sure he was more concerned the first day it happened. :)
All is well with the sheep.. they are not staying in their pen, but so far, no one has got into the burrs. I'll update on that here soon i'm sure. But meanwhile, I can't keep them from walking through their temporary fencing. It's not all of them yet, just 4 rogues in the group. (But you know what that means.. the others just haven't caught on yet)

Temperatures got up in the 40's mid week and I took Wyatt for a walk outside. Wyatt hasn't been out much other than to the doctor or grocery store, so it was nice to get him out for just a little bit.

Hope everyone had a great week!