Take away the heat, the browning pastures and it feels a little like spring with little bunnies running around and a new lamb.
I know it's not good to handle little rabbits, birds..etc, but this little bunny really was in danger. The rabbit was hopping across the sheep pasture when our pyr Rosco took note and took off for it. I called for him to stop (as I have thought before that he was killing baby rabbits earlier in the year when I caught him in a nest of squeaking babies) So, Wyatt and I decided it would be best to take the bunny to the other side of the fence and we (ok, I) was hoping his mother would find him there. I'm not sure if a rabbit of this size is still totally dependent on its mother, but we didn't want to move him far from where we caught him. Long story short, Wyatt had decided it was "my bunny". The bunny hung around for the better part of the day and then, was gone. I've heard every day since "my bunny gone", and just yesterday we came home to find 2 large rabbits where we left the baby bunny, so now -"my bunny gone with his mom" and a happy ending it is. Roxy (from the last post) had her lamb 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately, it appears she needed assistance as the lamb didn't make it. I had been trying to keep a close eye on her, but when I went out to check on her (2:30am with a flashlight) she had just had the lamb. I feel bad that I wasn't there to help her, but very thankful that she is ok.
Hiccup (one of our meat breed crosses) had her little lamb last Thursday.
Cute as a speckled lamb!