we are still waiting on 4 ewes to lamb (5 if you count Ewenice) The lambs are growing fast! Time is just moving right along. We have 16 lambs - 8 ewe lambs and 8 rams - all out of Andy, our moorit ram that was sold in December. After he left our farm, we put Ziggy in with the girls, so the remaining 4 ewes were bred to Ziggy - we're looking forward to seeing his lambs.
This is LeRoy... no real reason he's in this post, other than he was posing for a picture as I was trying to get a pic of one of the other fellas... If we could only eat our lambs, I think this guy would be a great sire for meat lambs. We haven't used him as a ram, but maybe next year we might use him to breed a few of the ewes. (if not, why are we keeping him again? oh it's something about the way he runs up to us and turns his head sideways and says "what's up" when we go out in the pasture. Yes, he's figured me out)

ok, lambs.. these aren't the newest pictures, but they are a little more recent than the last ones posted.

This is our moorit ewe, cheyenne with her babies. This isn't a great picture of Cheyenne, but as soon as I get a better one, I will be listing her and one of our other ewes on the website. I've had people ask if we had adult ewes available, and up to this point, we haven't... but then came shearing time. She's a good ewe, she's just a little much for me to try to shear. She's strong.. lots of muscle and she just won't settle down during shearing at all. Thought it was just me, but she fought our shearer that we hired too. (probably has something to do with the year I was learning how to shear..) (i didn't cut her or anything, but it was surely tramatic for her just the same)

Iced Mocha.. does he remind you of the bernstein bears? For some reason, I think of that when i see his pic.. maybe it's that smile?

And dear Alice. She's our non-trusting wild girl. Not so much as 'ewes gone wild' kind of wild, but she is just very leery of us. As wild as she is, you'd think she'd be a handful to work with. However, if I can get 'trick' her into the barn, she's the easiest to work with of any! She sits still for her shearing, while the tamest of them kick and squirm the whole way. Isn't she a pretty ewe? Nice girl Alice.

And since i haven't been posting more regularly, here's our weather. It's definitely "mud boot" season! This is a lot that the cows are in, so it's one you could easily lose a mud boot in. I don't mean to complain about the rain, but i have to say it's the first time i've heard the slugs and snails complaining about having too much rain.

And my little guy... I sure thought he would be a baby just a little longer than it's been. I look at him every day and just wonder how he got so big - so fast!