It is so soft and silky! I was thinking I'd like to spin it and make a lacy scarf with it. I haven't spun Llama before, do I need to spin it with another fiber, or can I spin it alone? I'm looking forward to this. Thanks Terese!

There's more beautiful ewes where this one came at www.whippoorwillfarm.com/main/page_sale.html It looks like she has just added cashemere kids to her sale page, too!
Karen has Shetlands also, and gave us this beautiful Emsket Shetland fleece! I am sure looking forward to spinning this fleece! Thanks Karen! (and thanks for the beautiful ewes)
It sure seems to be raining a lot here lately. We've had a bit of flash flooding in the area here - just hoping that it's not a terribly wet year - or dry either. That's maybe asking a lot, isn't it? This picture was taken as a tornado warning was posted on the news for an area north of us. The sky looked great from here. Fortunately, we didn't hear of any major damage caused by the storm.
I'll wrap this up here with a picture of Ziggy. He's so hard to get a photo of. (he's always under foot) To get this photo, I would run away from him and try to get a picture of him, but here he was running behind me... this went on and on.. so long, that if you look close, you'll see his tongue is hanging out!