Where does the time go? October is shearing time for our Icelandics, and although I was going to start in September this year, here it is - October already.
Virgil was the first to step up to the shearing board, and he was a breeze to shear. He must have been ready to shed this wool - and with the heat we're having this week, I don't blame him.
The ones to follow weren't quite as cooperative, but understandably so. I'm just hoping that no one saw me trying to hang on to Joe as he tried to get away mid shearing... (no one besides Wyatt anyways.. he giggled - and I think I did too at the thought of what it must have looked like) we both were on the ground, and both were kicking our legs. Joe is gentle, he was just uncomfortable :) I think i was too. Needless to say, Joe's wool didn't come off in one pretty blanket - it was a little stretched out. lol.

Virgil was voted least likely to survive or thrive last year, but we think he has turned out beautifully. He seems to have grown horns overnight as well - beginning the spring a yearling with small scurrs? Is this the same guy? His wool turned out very nice as well.
All in all, the shearing is going well - still have several to go, but I have to say it is so nice to see freshly shorn sheep out in the field!